Why JAVA for Android?

Why JAVA for Android Application Development ?

Android App are mostly developed in JAVA language using Android SDK (Software Development Kit). Although Kotlin is announced as, official language for Android Apps by Google but it is still new on planet. So most of the Help, Source Code available in internet exists in JAVA being old roots for Android Apps Development. There is strong community is available for JAVA to help out in many problems.

Moreover Language Syntax is same of both language and can be used as mixed.

I strongly recommend being a beginner start with JAVA and then move for Kotlin.
Another language used for Android Apps Development is C.#.Net (C-Sharp dot NET, powered by Microsoft Corporation) but we get through with JAVA.

JAVA,C.#. Net,C++,Kotlin all have same syntax with little bit difference.

JAVA is very old multipurpose programming language developed by Sun Microsystems and now powered by Oracle Corporation. JAVA is object oriented and high level language.
JAVA application runs on JVM (JAVA Virtual Machine) but Android has it’s own virtual machine called Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) optimized for mobile devices.